The Australian Curriculum is designed to help all young Australians to become successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens. Presented as a developmental sequence of learning from Foundation - Year 10, the Australian Curriculum describes to teachers, parents, students and others in the wider community what is to be taught and the quality of learning expected of young people as they progress through school.
We teach all eight Learning Areas of the Australian Curriculum through Age Appropriate Pedagogies. The goal of Age Appropriate Pedagogies is to use a variety of teaching methods to remove any barriers to learning. The Australian Curriculum clearly defines what is to be taught, and teachers use their knowledge of children's interests, strengths and capabilities to identify the most effective way to teach curriculum content.
Age-appropriate pedagogies are shaping teaching and learning of schools now and into the future. It supports staff to apply and balance a range of teaching approaches and characteristics of quality teaching in their classroom practice. Children learn best when they are actively engaged in purposeful learning experiences. Teachers are supported to align curriculum, age-appropriate pedagogies and assessment to maximise children's engagement in learning and to enhance outcomes.
Additionally, every student has access to the following Specialist Programs: Science, Technology, Art and Performing Arts.
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
Positive Behaviour for Learning is an evidence-based whole school approach to establish and sustain the social culture needed for schools to be effective learning environments. It is a school-wide approach to help support, define, teach and reinforce positive behaviours of ALL students. The school-wide approach to discipline focuses on building a safe and positive environment in which all students can learn. PBL is a framework where the expected behaviour is explicitly taught. PBL is being implemented in thousands of schools and when implemented with integrity has been demonstrated to reduce discipline problems and increase time for instruction.

Student Wellbeing
At Rockhampton North Special School we promote healthy, confident and resilient students who can successfully navigate a more complex world. We know that a supportive environment that combines a focus on wellbeing with a focus on learning is optimal — without one, the other will not happen. We thrive through responding to individual and group differences, promoting collaborative learning, connecting to the hearts and minds of every member of our school community, and teaching each other how to manage our wellbeing. Our school continues to provide inclusive environments that nurture the wellbeing of all so we become resilient lifelong learners who respond positively to our changing world and pursue our passions with confidence.